Friday, January 29, 2016

First Blog EVER

Hello! My name is Ian Alworth and I am a senior studying finance at Virginia Tech. I have decided to take this geography of wine class not just because it is going to be less work than my finance classes, but because I am genuinely interested in learning more about wine. Wine has always been a hobby of mine. Whenever my uncle comes on family vacation or visits, I hone into the conversations dealing with wine. Sadly enough to say, I am no where skilled enough to contribute to the conversation. I hope taking this course will give me a broad background on different types of wine and will lead me to be able to pick a nice bottle when I am on a date with the girl of my dreams ;).

Ever since I was old enough to drink (wink wink), I've always liked wine; white wine to be specific. I actually hated red wine back in the day. It was too bitter for me and I had a sweet tooth for white wine. I started drinking sweet sweet wine such as moscato and other dessert wines. Over the years when my balls started to sag more, I developed a taste for red wine. I absolutely love red wine now! It is very similar to my switch from light beers to IPA's. My taste buds have changed so much that I now will never buy a bottle of white wine. I will choose red over white any day.

I am very excited to start this class and see how much I can truly learn about wine. I want to be skilled enough to go to business dinners and actually have a say (intelligently) in the type of wine that the table should order. I also really want to impress my uncle with my wine intellect, since he has a huge obsession with wine all together. He has his own wine cellar while living in NYC (yes, dedication and very $$$).

I believe I am ready to take on the wine world and I'm going to drink every last drop.

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